SECTION 157.1 of the Compendium of Education Legislation for Private Education (2011 ed) states that:

"A student is required to be present for atleast 80% of class days". The number of school days is set by school at the beginning of the school year and that we have issued School Calendar as our reference. Excessive absences and tardiness have its corresponding sactions. An accumulated 40 absences or 20% of the school days shall merit Official Dropping status.

DATA protection act

You agree that by enrolling in FCD a learner, being an FCDian, you are allowing it to collect, use process your personal data where a legitimate educational purpose exists. Reference to this is Republic Act no. 10173 of the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

policy and guidelines in taking major examination

FCdian code of conduct and discipline

a. Student should submit affidavit of lost upon application for new ID upon issuance of Student Temporary Pass

b. Pay 200.00 for processing of another I.D.

c. Submit another picture and filled up ID container form.

d. Student is only allowed 3 days to submit the requirements for processing of ID upon issuance of temporary ID. Otherwise he/she is subject for disciplinary action under Category A: Major Offense.

 minor offense

major offense category a

Offenses (Community Service equivalent)

First Offense – Suspension of 2-3 consecutive days

Second Offense – Suspension of 4-5 consecutive day

Third Offenses - Suspension for 6-7 consecutive days

major offense CATEGORY B


First Offense - Suspension for 5-7 consecutive days

Second Offense -Suspension for 10-14 consecutive days

Third Offense - Dismissal

Note: Suspension must have equilavency of community service.

major offense CATEGORY C


material fact; practicing or attempting to practice any deception or fraud in connection with his admission, 

registration examination, enrolment or graduation from the school.

circumstances tending to cause dishonour, discredit or contempt to the name of the school.

           and the like explosive including pillbox, firecrackers and pyrotechnic devises and parts of their manufacture  

           within the premises of the school.


Dismissal or Expulsion