HISTORY OF FEAPITSAT college of dasmarinas

The FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas started accepting applicants in its location at 2F Heritage Bldg., Mangubat Avenue, Dasmarinas City, Cavite last School Year 2012-2013.  The place was considered as a strategic location to cater students coming from Southwestern part of Cavite.

In 2013, The Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) authorized the institution to administer National Competency Assessment for three (3) Qualifications like Bartending NCII, Food and Beverages NC II and Bookkeeping NC III. The Institution received approval from TESDA to offer additional two (2) Qualifications, Visual Graphics Designing NC III and Event Management Services NC III in 2015 and 2017 respectively.

Upon implementation of K-12 Curriculum in 2016, the Department of Education (DepEd) accredited and granted FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas a provisionary permit to offer Senior High School program effective School Year 2016-2017.  Three (3) Strands were approved and given permit to offer the Technical-Vocational Track with Home Economics and ICT Strands and General Academics Strand under the Academic Track. 

The FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas started Senior High School program in School Year 2016-2017 with 73 students.  The following school year enrolment increased to 263. 

 Effective School Year 2019-2020, the DepEd approved additional strands of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) making the Academic program offering for Senior High School of FEAPITSAT complete.  With the approval of additional strand, enrollment increased to 560 students the same school year.

During the last quarter of SY 2019-2020 or the period from January to March 2020, series of fortuitous events occurred in the Philippines.  The eruption of Taal Volcano in the nearby province of Batangas and the series of earthquakes that shook Davao Region and other provinces in Mindanao.

The Taal Volcano eruption interrupted the supposedly smooth end of the current school year affecting students and teachers of FCD.  In exercising its moral and social responsibility, the FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas extended help to the affected students and faculty members of FCD living in the nearby town of Silang, Cavite affected by the thick ash fall from Taal Volcano.  

Selected Barangays in the province of Batangas were chosen as other beneficiaries of the outreach program.  Voluntary donations of all kinds were collected by the student council, student organizations and the faculty and staff.  The school administration also for its part, released additional funds to increase the number of families to be covered by the outreach program intended to the victims of Taal Volcano eruption.  

Last January 16, 2020, some school personnel headed by the School Director Mr. Edwin Bascon went to Sitio Bayabasan, Nasugbu, Batangas to distribute the goods intended to residence-evacuees relocated in Bayabasan Elementary School.  

The government put the status of the Philippines under pandemic brought about by Covid-19 Virus. The outbreak of this virus changed the platform of all economic activities not only in the country but as well as in the whole world.  New normal in education was introduced; opening of classes was moved from June to August and later moved again in October.  Face-to-face classes were suspended pending the development of vaccine for Covid-19.

Since many economic activities were affected, many employees were also affected.  According to data, 50% of the working class suffered unemployment due to cessations of many business operations.  The education of children affected by unemployment among the majority of the working class suffered.  Many private school students transferred to private schools.  The declined in the enrollment suffered drastically forcing small private schools to close operation.  In the City of Dasmarinas, there are at least eight (8) private schools voluntarily closed and one (1) school violating the protocol on face-to-face classes were ordered close by the City Government and the Divisions office of Dasmarinas.

But despite of the pandemic and the migration of private school students to public schools, FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas managed to have a decent share of enrollees of 214 for Grade 11 and 244 for Grade 12 bringing a total number of enrollees to 458 for SY 2020-2021, an enrolment figure relatively higher compared to many private schools of its size operating in Dasmarinas City.

With the new normal in education, the school management is optimistic that it can manage to attract 600 enrollees for the SY2021-2022.  The opportunity given by home and distance learning is the limitations on geographic and residential limitation. With on-line learning, the school can attract enrollees coming from different cities in Cavite and the nearby provinces or even the southern portion of the National Capital region (NCR) without the hassle of travelling and attending school personally.

On the other hand, The FCD received from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) an approval to offer Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education (BTTVED) effective SY2020-2021.  The said program was projected to generate additional 30-40 enrollees. 

Effective SY2021-2022, the CHED approved two (2) programs namely; Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management.  The two (2) programs are forecasted to attract 80-100 students.  

Other programs awaiting approval from CHED are Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in Office Administration and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. 

Due to pandemic, the Institution’s target to establish an Assessment Center for its TESDA Courses were put on hold due to many consideration in offering face-to-face trainings.  The plan to Branch out to other nearby cities and municipalities in Cavite and to other provinces of the country yield a positive output.  FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas was able to put a subsidiary in the province of Pangasinan.  The FCD Central Institute, Inc. was established this year offering TESDA Courses and Senior High School programs in the Municipality of Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.

FEAPITSAT College of Dasmariñas Inc. will continue to provide affordable tuition fee without compromising the quality of education in all its program offering aligned to Business, Tourism and Information Technology and will strive to continue and commit itself to be the Center of Ethical Leadership and Academic Excellence under the supervision of government entities such as DepEd, TESDA and CHED in the province of Cavite.

The acronym FEAPITSAT means Far East Asia Pacific Institute of Tourism Science and Technology.  The acronym in its registered name was used because it is easier to mention and also for easy recall.


FEAPITSAT College of Dasmarinas Inc. (FCD) is committed to deliver quality but affordable education in the development of every Filipino. It aims to hone trainees to be globally competitive professionals, a responsible citizen, integrated person equipped with the knowledge and skills committed to the achievement of life learning service to the nation.


FCD Inc envisions being an institution that produces a globally competitive workforce equipped with knowledge and skills provided by academic excellence, appropriate technology that shall serve the world with integrity and sincerity.


FCD believes that education is a right and privilege of every person regardless of age, sex, religion, race and ethnicity. It must be served with equality,  equity and complementarity. 


The goal of FCD is to become an institution that will empower every learner to become an agent of hope and change  by acquiring skills, knowledge and values to transform their lives to become a responsible citizen.